A to Z of success. My self motivation.
Assalamualaikum. Hai.
only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth –
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to
live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
injured wasn’t the worst thing that ever happened to me. In some ways it was
even the best. Look at all the positive aspects of my life that have grown from
my injuries. In the end, it’s not what happens to you that count, but what you
do about it. What matters is where you are going to take your life and how you
are going to make things better. – Simon Weston, in his book, Moving On
you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up someplace else. –
Lawrence J. Peter.
bold, Amir. When I did not turn up to work, many of my friends and
colleagues texted me. Their text messages somehow gave me courage to come back
to work with the help of medicine. These actually made me realise that it is
normal to be nervous before going to work. Some of my colleagues also shared
that they themselves get nervous too. The reason because they get phobic that
they might missed something or do something that could cause another person’s
life in danger. But that is how we all learn. We sometimes do mistakes, but we
must own up to our mistakes and be better. Since then, I would not let my panic
attack debilitate me. If nervous, just do dzikir and make du’a Allah protects
us from our mistakes and forgetfulness.
versus future
often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey. –
Tal Ben-Shahar explains that success is not a moment in time when you ‘arrive
and are happy’. True success is about enjoying the journey towards a
destination that you deem to be valuable.
will be my great year because I am going to finish my housemanship by this year
and will start creating my next level of journey on becoming a Medical Officer.
I believe goals can be great way to find more success and fulfilment in our
life. It is important to pick goals where we get genuine pleasure from working
towards them, as well as from achieving them. I am now think about a particular
destination that I would like to arrive at in the future. In other words, a
goal that would make me very hay upon achieving it. I am now feel confident
that I have set myself the right goal which is something that I will both enjoy
achieving and working towards.
people find it hard to work out what they should aim for in life. But I
believed that fulfilling success requires balance between enjoyment at the
current time with payoffs in the future.
to dream
we did all of the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally
astound ourselves. – Thomas Edison.
Robert Merton is credited with coining the term ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ in
1968. A self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of
the situation, but one which evokes new behaviour that makes that situation
come true. The secret behind a self-fulfilling prophecy is that our positive
(or negative) belief about a situation makes us take on a different attitude
and display different behaviour to someone who has not got that same belief. So
having positive belief in our capability, even if they are not strictly
justified (not just yet anyway), can help us to achieve far better results that
someone who has a negative or non-beneficial belief about their capability and
does not even try.
first, I am slowly giving up when tested with this kind of psychiatric disorder
when I am in the second posting. Many thoughts came by as in I cannot complete
my housemanship and be a good medical officer and subsequently one fine day.
When I have that thought, it is very hard for me to make myself think that I
can. Then I questioned myself, how do I believe that I can do something that I
do not believe that I can do?
slowly I realised that something that is vital to achieving more success in our
life is the opening up of our mind to the fact that we can do things that we
might think are absolutely impossible. A belief is not a fact. We can do so
much more than we think we can.
to dream, Amir. You do not have to yet be capable of achieving your goal,
you just have to belief that you can and act accordingly. You can do more than
you think possible, you just need to believe that you can and work towards it.
separates a talented individual from a successful one is a lot of hard work. –
Stephen King.
was not just the result of luck or good fortune. An absolutely critical aspect
underpinning our achievements was the dedicated, sustained effort we channelled
towards our goal. When I find that I would like to achieve my goal but I am
struggling to stay motivated and put the effort in, I will remember what the
effort heuristic (heuristic generally means ‘rule of thumb’) teaches me – the
amount of effort that I put in will be equal to how much I want to achieve my
keep see myself ten years in the future and the successes I have achieved in
that time. How great I feel. Amir, if you goal is going to be worth it you
will have to put the effort into achieving it. The more you want to achieve the
goal and the more you can enjoy the achieving of it, the better motivated you
will be able to put the effort into it.
Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we
give to it ourselves. – T. Harv Eker.
will probably have heard of Pavlov’s dogs. In his famous experiment, Pavlov
sounded a bell prior to giving dogs food. At the sight of the food, the dogs
would naturally salivate. Over time, however, the dogs came to realize that the
food would always come when the bell was rung. Because of this, the dogs
learned that the sound of the bell ringing and the delivery of the food were
associated. The most important finding from this study was that ultimately just
the sound of the bell was enough to make the dogs salivate – they did not even
need to see any food.
LeDoux is one of the world’s leading researchers on the issue of how we learn
fear. He explains that, just as Pavlov’s dogs learned to associate two
unrelated or neutral stimuli (i.e. a bell and food) if you experience fear at
the same time as encountering a previously neutral stimulus, you can learn to
associate that stimulus with fear.
although the thought of learning not to be afraid of something seems almost
impossible, we can overcome our fears. Since I was under psychiatric follow up,
I learned that there are two key ways of learning to overcome fears which are
behavioural therapy and cognitive therapy. At the end I believed that
behavioural therapy can enable me to unlearn a fear by breaking down the
association while cognitive therapy can help my brain think of different ways
to evaluate an event, making my beliefs helpful rather than a hindrance.
goal is a dream with a deadline. – Napoleon Hill.
everyone ever lived by the mantra, ‘just do your best’? If so, it turns out
that we could be missing out on achieving our potential. If we want to achieve
greater success, research has revealed that we should set ourselves goals and
more precisely that those goals should be specific and challenging, and that we
should regularly monitor our progress towards achieving them.
who set specific and challenging goals are far more likely to achieve them than
people who set only vague goals or no goals at all. Amir, faster complete
your housemanship
for the moon, even if you miss you will land amongst the stars. – Les Brown.
is only human to worry about failure and this is a common concern that many of
us have, including me. The thought of I set myself a far too challenging goal,
then I open myself up to the very real possibility that I could fail. I will
feel extremely disappointed and looking stupid at the same time if I fail.
I reflected myself, is there something that I really want in life, but that
just seems too challenging to even try? Would I rather be a failure for
attempting to achieve it, or a failure for not attempting to achieve it at all?
secret to getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is
breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and the
starting on the first. – Mark Twain.
of Psychology at New York University, Peter Gollwitzer, has found that people
who plan in advance the steps that will be taken to achieve a goal (including
when, where and how action will be taken), achieve greater success.
impossible or complex goals can be achieved one step at a time. Thus, I
believed that I have the ability to achieve each step of the action plan and
the end goal.
have a go
man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. – Edward John Phelps.
may know people who have hopes and dreams but frustratingly, never do anything
about them. To put in another way, they procrastinate which University of
Calgary lecturer Piers Steel defines as ‘voluntary delaying an intended course
of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay’.
if you do not try you will never succeed. Just have a go. You may well surprise
yourself with success at the end. Overcome your fear of failure by remembering
that you can only learn if you try. Remember also that there will be more pain
in the future for you if you do not act than there is pain for you today if you
down seven times, stand up eight. – Japanese proverb.
way I learned to change how we are thinking about failure is to become more
consciously aware of the way that we think and behave. If we find that we give up
easily when things go wrong, start to ask yourself why. Try to uncover the
belief that is making, you give up.
experience of failure we have is another way to help us find success. If we
really want something, we will find new ways to keep pushing through the
obstacles we come across. Amir, just because you have not succeeded yet,
doesn’t that you won’t.
you fall, pick something up. – Oswald Avery.
say that every rain-laden, stormy-black cloud has a silver lining, and asking
myself the question, ‘What is the silver lining?’ can certainly help me to find
we make a mistake, always try to find the valuable lesson it teaches us and,
critically take action to implement that lesson. When my psychiatric illness
relapsed, I just realised that I made a mistake by defaulting follow up
previously. Then I learned a lot from the incident which I am now enjoying my
work and able to go through day by day with the help of medication. I also have
learnt a valuable lesson that might stop me making the same mistakes again.
we fail at something, it can mean that we have not yet developed the ability to
achieve it, so keep on developing yourself. The fruits of our efforts won’t all
have been lost if we fail. We learned through the experience of trying and we
may well be closer to succeeding as a result.
nobody’s perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and fails. To be successful you have
to accept that this will happen and then learn from these failures.
leaves clues. – Anthony Robbins.
shortcut to learn how to do something is called modelling. It is to do with the
concept of having a role model to copy. The existence of these success stories
put us one step closer to achieving our own success. Why? Because whatever it
is we are seeking to achieve, the likelihood is that someone else has already
put in the hours of trial and effort, working out what works and what doesn’t
(i.e. learning from their mistakes).
achievements of others are an invaluable resource for us – other people may
already possess the abilities we need to achieve our goal. By modelling
another’s pattern for success, we will be able to create a recipe for our own
success. My choice of role model is actually my colleagues who manage to finish
housemanship on time.
have to know where you stand and where you want to go, or else it isn’t going
to happen. Numbers bring clarity. – Subir Chowdhury.
cannot emphasize enough the fabulous feeling we will experience when we start
making progress towards our goal. It makes us feel really fired up to keep
going, and perhaps to try even harder because we know that our hard work is paying
we measure our progress and find that we are not on track, we can adjust our
strategy and try to find a more successful one. It is far better to discover
sooner rather than later what works and doesn’t. The more we measure, the more
we learn.
and ye shall find. – Matthew 7:7.
seeing opportunities to help us to achieve our goal, which were always there,
but which we never paid attention to before. I told my close friend that I want
to finish my housemanship as soon as possible and ask help from them to keep
push me to achieve my goal. Two brains with focussed selective attention are,
after all, better than one.
anything else, preparation is the key to success. – Alexander Graham Bell.
back on our life and think about a time when we felt stuck (like mine is when
my psychiatric illness relapsed), as though you weren’t making any progress,
but then things clicked into place. Success can sometimes happen when we least
expect it. We can take decisive action but then get to a place where we feel
stuck. Then, all of a sudden, an opportunity can present itself based on our
efforts to date, and because of our groundwork, we are ready to grasp that
then realised myself that action leaves a trail. I feel like my efforts are
fruitless when I did not seeing any tangible progress despite I have been
working really hard to achieve my goals. However, I always remember that my
hard work will ultimately pay off. Even when times feel dark and I am feeling
bewildered by my lack of progress, I am leaving behind a trail of work that is
sowing the seeds of success. Given the right conditions, they will germinate.
the fruits of your efforts may not be immediately clear, but if you keep
nurturing your dream it can blossom. Lasting success rarely happens overnight,
instead there may be a process of putting effort into something for years
before it finally takes off. There are many ways to prepare for success, and
the better you are able to have all round preparation, the better your chances
of success become.
small, win early, win often. – Gary Hamel.
if you find that you are getting frustrated with how long it is taking you to
achieve your goal, and want some help staying motivated, you need to understand
the enormous ower of a tiny little molecule in your brain called dopamine.
will keep motivated by experiencing rewards along the path to your goal. Break
your goal down into sub-goals, so that you can more easily achieve these and
experience the pleasure from completing them. If your sub-goals are not
pleasurable enough, add some extra rewards in. You are going to be more likely
to achieve your goals if you receive a regular surge of dopamine from having a series
of quick wins.
you want to fly with the eagles you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys.
– Zig Ziglar.
Rosenthal Effect shows that your success levels can be influenced by your
associations with others, so make sure that they are the best so that you can
become your best. Then I started to ask myself, ‘Who am I surrounding myself
with on a regular basis and what impact are they having upon me?’ I learned to
spot those who are supporting me and those who are holding me back so that I
will spend more time with the former and less with latter.
is easier to avoid the effects of others’ negativity when we question if an
action or attitude is appropriately directed at us. If it isn’t, we can choose
to sidestep it and let it pass. – Sue Patton Theole.
I did not turn up to work as my psychiatric illness relapsed, I received a lot
of label from people surrounding. But, I don’t have to accept another person’s
label of me. Amir, have self-belief and overcome the negative labels and
opinions of others – their prophecies are often unfounded and we can best
overcome them by proving them wrong.
is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the
help of others. – George Shinn.
always see the Oscar winners deliver their acceptance speech, they thank the
many, many people who have supported them, mentored them, coached them and
challenged them to develop themselves to get to that point. I believed my
success is as much theirs as it is mine, and no one will be more proud of me
than my team I have around me.
may often appear an individual pursuit, but there is a support network behind
every individual. Amir, when you achieve your goals of success, please take
some time to write an acceptance speech to the people who have helped you to
make these achievements possible.
lot of directors don’t want the pressure of a movie the size of Pearl Harbor.
But I love it. I thrive on it. – Michael Bay.
people might automatically think that pressure is bad, but there is actually a
difference between stress and pressure. Stress is when pressure causes a
negative emotion. However, for some, pressure is energizing.
all process pressure and experience stress differently according to our
personality. A great way to avoid stress is to understand how you prefer to
handle pressure and then play to your preference.
people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualise not what is
possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the
impossible, they begin to see it as possible. – Cherrie Carter-Scott.
always visualise myself achieve success at the end of my housemanship journey.
I started to imagine who is there with me. How are they congratulating me? Are
they shaking my hand or hugging me? If so, how does that touch feel? Strong,
warm, gentle?
society has put the cart before the horse. In the past we thought that if you
worked hard and were successful, then you would be happy. Turns out we have
gotten the order wrong all along. – Shawn Achor.
has on longer-term measures of success. Our happiness levels can define our
longevity, improve health, improve career success, and our ability to cope. I
learned that by feeling positive, we are likely to perform better at activities
than if you are feeling negative.
am now happy with my work. Thus, I enjoyed doing my work.
the extra mile. It’s never overcrowded. – Wayne Dyer.
the extra mile does not even have to mean working harder. I believed that
people who achieve success in life are prepared to go the extra mile and put in
the effort required to do things differently.
thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. – Zig
is about having hope or confidence in the future, and believing that our
efforts will lead to a successful outcome. Our view of events can tend towards
being either optimistic or pessimistic; generally our goals are more attainable
by seeing things optimistically.
find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. – Thomas Jefferson.
Amir, have
great energy and enthusiasm for your goal and your hard work will pay off!
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