this is our story..!
Assalamualaikum. Hai.
This 5-year-journey gonna end soon. There are a lot of memories gained throughout this journey. I do not called it friend-ship. I called it batchmate-ship instead. And this is our story.
From a stranger then we became friends. We knew that this mamat does not eat timun. This mamat does not eat ikan. This mamat is vegetarian. And these mamats do not eat sayur.
As we get closer, we knew that some of us were just sensitive. Easily get irritable. Hot-tempered. Love to being alone in their own world. Love to make jokes and laugh over the jokes.
I missed those preclinical years. We got no problems among ourselves. We walked to the class. We got wet together during monsoon season. Then someone yelled in the class, "wei, sapa pijak taik kucing/ayam/itik ni".
We strove together to make ourselves competent enough to enter clinical years. Professional Exam I is the most difficult exam so far. At the end, we all make it and were able to enter into another phase of being a medical student.
In clinical year, we were split into different group. Some were happy. It is such a pleasure actually to have your own best friend who you called them as buddy to be your postingmate. To go through thick and thin together. So that you will not feel alone. Cause there are always people who stand beside you.
I still remembered when one of my female friend asked me why I seem not to be happy with my postingmates group. I text her personally. That was my first and last time maybe I shared my problem to my female friend. Cause I have a lot of male friends to be shared with.
Medical school was cruel. I still remembered that one night when I saw this one of my senior stand in the corridor and keep repeating to himself that he was so stress. I became helpless.
When I knew that both of them passed their remedial exam, I cried myself. Coz I knew that they deserved it. They both motivate me a lot actually.
I just hope that I will remain strong throughout this study week. And I hope that I will always have friends who can lend me their shoulder when I am about to cry. And who always ready to catch me when I am about to fall. Cause I am fragile.
There is no wrong a friend loves a friend. We called it friendship bond, not gay or lesbian. Narrow-minded people will never understand this.
But, as we mature, our batchmate-ship should get mature too. Stop being like a kid. There must be a reason to love or hate someone. Ask yourself.
Dear readers, my batchmates and I are going to sit for our Professional Exam II next month. And it will decide our future. Please do pray for us.
To my batchmates, all the best.
And to all our beloved lecturers, thank you for everything.
p/s: study mode ON
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