jaw drop..!


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Whoever says, Subhaanallaahi wa bi hamdih (May Allah be glorified and thanked), one hundred times, his sins will be forgiven even if they were like the foam of the sea.” [Bukhari]

today is my second day doing elective posting..harap-harap batchmate aku yang sorang tu tak tengok gambar ni kalau tak bising sebab aku ambik gambar kat toilet..alah, dia bukan follower blog aku pun..rileks..hehe..

satu benda yang sangat aku takut when following my supervisor ward round is if she ask me to interpret ECG..like today she asked her house officer (HO) but they cannot answered her..so she asked me..kalau HO pun tak boleh interpret, apatah lagi aku..haha..need to see more ECG amir..

in the clinic today first time i saw a specialist do complete examination to a diabetic patient including the muscle weakness, reflexes, joint proprioception, touch, vibration and pin prick both upper and lower limb as well as check for peripheral pulses..sungguh rare nak tengok specialist examine full macam ni..

when following my supervisor at the clinic, i am not allowed to open any book to look for answer to the questions she ask..mencabar kan..dah lah otak medical posting pun berkarat..

when i asked to demonstrate the shuffling gait to patient's relative, i just like errkkk..malunya nak berdemonstrasi...haha..

p/s: selamat berbuka puasa..



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