clinical exam is bias..!

assalamualaikum..and hi..

Sell this life for the next and you win both of them...
Sell the next life for this and you lose both of them...
~ Imam Hasan Al-Basri

being a medical student, we cannot run from clinical year, we have this so-called clinical exam which consists of long case and short the theory exam as well..banyak sugguh exam..masuk wad pun specialist duk tanya soalan jugak..

long case in which you will be given one hour to spend time with your patient..not to berfoya-foya..but to elicit signs and symptoms from them in order for you to make diagnosis and manage the patient..then when times up, your examiner will come and you will spend another 30 minutes with your examiner to present your the same time for the examiner to torture you before he or she decide to pass you or fail you..

meanwhile in short case, you will go to your patient together with your examiner and you demonstrate how you examine the patient..those who good at acting, this is your chance to show your bakat terpendam..but not that easy okay..

why clinical exam is bias..? because sometimes you study a lot of common diseases but end up you get the rare one during the exam..or you get not-so-cooperative patient..or you get scary examiner..meanwhile your other friends who study one day before exam and they get simple case..some get a very nice examiner..sungguh beruntung lepas tu keluar dari wad dengan muka happy..jealous kan..?

in clinical exam, there are 3 main factors contribute to performance..this is what i had been observing since doing my clinical year for almost 2 years already..and i am not a bright clinical exam also tunggang-langgang..haha..

NUMBER ONE of course us the students..before entering clinical exam sudah semestinya we have to prepare knowledge..takkan nak masuk dengan otak kosong kan..? bila hari exam pulak, first impression counts..that is what my friend told pakai la cantik-cantik waktu exam supaya nampak handsome dan not forget to wear smile as well..dan practice cakap english yang ada slang..huhu..mat salih sangat..

NUMBER TWO is examiner..we have this terminology of benign and simple word we can say that benign examiner is those examiner who every students want to have them as examiner while the malignant one referring to those examiner yang kami student tak mau dia jadi examiner..lebih kurang benign ni examiner yang baik-baik la..but not to say yang malignant tu jahat..tapi bolehlah..

NUMBER THREE is patient..some patient they are okay..very cooperative..telling the truth..but some are not..some cakap banyak and sometimes mengarut..ada yang tak menjawab soalan la..ada yang irritable lah..macam-macam ada lah..

bila nak exam, i always pray to have a benign examiner..because to me if you get difficult case or difficult patient, at least you can take a deep relax because you get examiner yang baik..tapi jangan happy sangat sebab sometimes those examiner who smile during exam or give positive comment or said to the student very good but end up fail you..sungguh mereka talam dua muka..haha..another interesting fact is majority of malignant examiners they won't fail student..dah serba salah kan nak berdoa untuk dapat examiner yang mana satu..hehe..

i had experienced both types of examiners..both simple and difficult cases..also difficult patients..sudah lulus pun alhamdulillah..

p/s: gambar macam takdak kaitan kan..?



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