blissful weekend..!

assalamualaikum..salam israk dan mikraj..

"The real you is what you do when no one is watching you." - Imam Ali (as)

last 2 weeks my friends and i had an opportunity to join this program..but always keep in mind that we are not remembering our prophet at certain occasion should be done every single second said by one of my psychiatric patient (amboi sudah ada pesakit sendiri)..

moral of the story after joining that program is i should have at least one white kurta or jubah..special thanks to abang sarimi's collection for sponsoring that nice kurta..huhu..

the next day we joined this walk for humanity organized by our neighbor (but not so neighbor la to those who stay in kampus kota)..

we walked to show our concern towards what is happening in palestine, egypt and myself not knowing much about this issues but feel free to search on net..

sempat lagi berhenti untuk melintas di batu bersurat..kali kedua rasanya bergambar di sini untuk rekod..

know him..? aku minat raihan dulu pun sebab dia la..bila tengok gambar-gambar ni jangan la pulak cakap yang kami ni walk for fun..okay..

p/s: i am not a perfect muslim but i aim to be one..



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