clinical exam is bias..!

assalamualaikum..and hi.. Sell this life for the next and you win both of them... Sell the next life for this and you lose both of them... ~ Imam Hasan Al-Basri being a medical student, we cannot run from clinical year, we have this so-called clinical exam which consists of long case and short the theory exam as well..banyak sugguh exam..masuk wad pun specialist duk tanya soalan jugak.. long case in which you will be given one hour to spend time with your patient..not to berfoya-foya..but to elicit signs and symptoms from them in order for you to make diagnosis and manage the patient..then when times up, your examiner will come and you will spend another 30 minutes with your examiner to present your the same time for the examiner to torture you before he or she decide to pass you or fail you.. meanwhile in short case, you will go to your patient together with your examiner and you demonstrate how you examine th...