assalamualaikum..hai.. Every deed of man will receive ten to 700 times reward, except fasting, for it is for me (Allah) and I shall reward it (as I like). [Reference: Sahih Muslim] hospital kulim is a district hospital yet can do housemanship training there..there is this one doctor asking me during my first day whether i am going to pay my service here or not..kita tunggu dan lihat je lah.. today i followed my supervisor doing scope..i managed to see one case only since i missed the first one..i was late at that time since i followed medical officer (MO) doing ward round.. today i corrected one doctor writing progress note of this one patient..the lesion on the left but he wrote right..he said, "thanks man kalau tak aku kena marah"..kiri dan kanan itu penting.. today also i saw this one MO elicit babinski sign using car key..teringat kat sorang endocrinologist tersohor negara yang ingatkan student-stude...
Assalamualaikum. Hai. The boys with dean. Selfie with dean. This one much better than picture posted by my friend in facebook. Haha. Yeah, that happy look when you knew that you passed your professional exam. And now you are doctors. Finally, the journey ended. The night to celebrate ourselves. And it is our national independent day. Merdeka. Free from medical books and notes. I was sitting next to my mentor. He is Indonesian and he was so nice (even though he kept repeating the same reminder). And that was me holding the camera. Hehe. To enter medical school is tough. To survive is tougher. But to pass and get out from here is toughest. Trust me. Thank Allah. Even though two of us cannot make it. Allah is always the best planner. He knew what best for his servants. In medical school also I knew that Allah is always with me and help me. Getting a manageable case during exam. Having a nice examiner. That proved...
assalamualaikum..hai.. Taking pains to remove the pains of others is the true essence of generosity. ~ Abu Bakr (may Allah have mercy on him) starting my elective posting today at hospital kulim..sangat cuak mengenangkan yang aku sorang-sorang kat situ..macam mana la aku nak survive nanti..since i need to write diary throughout my 6-week elective posting, so why not i post them all..hehe.. my supervisor was superb..undergraduate at universiti malaya and do postgraduate at universiti kebangsaan malaysia..she also very motile..jalan sangat laju..from ward to clinic i followed her.. and she asked me a lot of questions..i mean A LOT..feeling weird today after 2 years clerking patient using not-so-terengganu-dialect, today i clerked them using kedah dialect..habaq mai.. p/s: selalu berdoa supaya tak jumpa orang yang aku kenai kat hospital tu.. BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN