
assalamualaikum..hai.. Iman is of two halves; Half is patience (Sabr), and half is being thankful (Shukr). ~ Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimuhullah) today i followed my supervisor to attend medical department continuous medical education or CME..gambar ini terpaksa ambik curi-curi takut housemen semua cakap dah kenapa budak ni..hehe.. topic is on chronic kidney disease..the presenter is one of the houseman which i close to during my attachment there..nak bagi support la kiranya ni..hehe.. but seeing my supervisor asking questions during the CME, huh, scary..for your information, medical department of hospital kulim currently got 4 specialists..and my supervisor is the head of department..nampak macam malignant..haha.. p/s: mulut ni tak habis-habis nak mencarut.. BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN