
Showing posts from July, 2015

every soul will taste of death..!

I knew him since Standard 1 at the age of 7 years old. Been in the same class till Standard 6. After that, we went to same secondary school. But, after Form 2, he moved to another school. Since then, we lost contact. Very easy going person. A lot of sense of humor. Everyone loved him during school time because he never annoyed people. And last night, he passed away. "kullu nafsin thaiqatu almawt". Every soul will taste of death. Al-Fatihah. p/s: tak pernah aku rasa sebak hilang seorang kawan macam ni BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN

this is our story..!

Assalamualaikum. Hai. This 5-year-journey gonna end soon. There are a lot of memories gained throughout this journey. I do not called it friend-ship. I called it batchmate-ship instead. And this is our story. From a stranger then we became friends. We knew that this mamat does not eat timun. This mamat does not eat ikan. This mamat is vegetarian. And these mamats do not eat sayur. As we get closer, we knew that some of us were just sensitive. Easily get irritable. Hot-tempered. Love to being alone in their own world. Love to make jokes and laugh over the jokes. I missed those preclinical years. We got no problems among ourselves. We walked to the class. We got wet together during monsoon season. Then someone yelled in the class, "wei, sapa pijak taik kucing/ayam/itik ni". We strove together to make ourselves competent enough to enter clinical years. Professional Exam I is the most difficult exam so far. At the end, we all make...


Assalamualaikum. Hai. Maka bermulalah study week aku. Jangan stress-stress waktu study week. Kalau stress, mohon tengok video ni. Nescaya hilang stress. Haha. p/s: all the best amir BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN


Assalamualaikum. Hai. Spot me at 1:43 and 3:00. Haha. Nak jugak. p/s: best jadi medical student? BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN

merenung masa depan..!

Assalamualaikum. Hai. Lagi ramadhan di bumi terengganu. Tapi tahun ini tahun terakhir. Bukan sebab tak best puasa kat sini, cuma aku tak nak kena repeat. Mesti rindu nanti suasana puasa kat terengganu. 48 hari lagi nak final exam. Raya tahun ini takda apa sangat. Biasa-biasa saja seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini. Currently doing my final posting as a medical student. My favourite one. I was sitting next to my beloved prof during case write-up presentation. Lepas terawih terus nak doa semoga dapat prof sebagai examiner clinical exam. Ingat nak lentok kepala atas bahu prof. Kang ada yang bukak puasa makan kaki pulak. Haha. Terima kasih tukang ambik gambar yang sembunyi muka. Semoga masa depan aku cerah seperti mentol-mentol kat atas ni. Kept asking myself lately. Am i chose the right course and the right university? Or the right course but the wrong university? Or the wrong course and the wrong university? Ni semua sebab interview SPA cancelled. p/...