Itinerary Kuala Lumpur - Johor - Singapura

Assalamualaikum dan hai. I managed to visit Singapore alone during last August. This is my second time went alone after Thailand last year. It is not because I do not have friends (LOL) but basically I enjoyed doing things alone (but actually my friends are busy). I went on 30 and 31 August. Pergi dengan bas (Kuala Lumpur - Larkin - Singapore) manakala balik dengan bas (Singapore - Larkin - JB Airport) dan flight (JB - Langkawi). Lama dah nak tulis tapi tergendala so ingat tak ingat je apa yang berlaku sepanjang di sana LOL. I am a bit jakun coz the immigration process is doing using self service machine. Luckily uneventful. It is much convenient actually instead of manually. The long que. By the way you have to underwent 2 checklists which are at Malaysia side as well as Singapore side. Basically ada banyak jenis bas yang boleh bawa masuk ke Singapura but I chose this bus company because they said more cepat as compared to other company yang ada bany...