public should know..!

assalamualaikum dan selamat siang.. Nabi SAW. bersabda maksudnya : "Sesungguhnya marah adalah daripada syaitan dan syaitan dicipta daripada api, apabila salah seorang kamu marah maka hendaklah dia berwuduk.” (HR Ahmad & Abu Daud) post kali ini nak share sebuah post yang ditulis di satu blog..terbaca sebab being shared by one of my batchmates at facebook.. plan nak translate ke bahasa melayu..tetapi setelah bunyinya agak pelik, tak payahlah..pembaca kat sini pun english nya bagus-bagus..kan..? the post entitled "what the public doesn't know".. You may not know, that the doctor you waited for 2 hours in the clinic, is likely the very same doctor that has to attend the emergency department (ED) because of a case of heart attack. Or sometimes two or three cases of heart attack on one go. The thing is, this doctor may need to attend to another case who’s collapsed in the ward. You may not know, the doctor that made you ...